Scientists have observed a worldwide
decline in sperm quality, which is a measure of sperm count, motility,
structure, and DNA integrity. Left unchecked, this epidemic could spell massive
reductions in the human fertility rate, especially in the industrialized
nations where the problem is most acute. Around 40% of infertile men have high
levels of free radicals in their semen. This may be due to exposure to
environmental toxins, poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking
cigarettes. Sperm also produce high quantities of free radicals as they work
hard to traverse the many challenges along their journey to the awaiting egg.
It takes a lot of energy to reach the egg. To resolve all of these male factors
using a medical approach would require multiple medications—many of them
unproven and with substantial side effects. Because of that, women are still
the ones who undergo fertility treatments in order to allow men with poor sperm
quality to father children—even if they're not the underlying cause of the
problem. However, none of that may be necessary. Many studies have demonstrated
that this combination having L-Camitine and Coenzyme Q10 alongwith Astaxanthin,
Zinc and Lycopene have a direct impact on sperm quality, potentially avoiding
the need for expensive drugs or invasive procedures.
This combination is useful in
improving sperms quality by:
• Increasing the total number of sperm
cells produced (sperm count)
• Improving their physical attributes
• Improving their ability to move
properly once ejacuated (motility)
• Affecting the integrity of their
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like
substance that is produced naturally by the body It is present in the membrane
of almost every cell in the body and is required for mitochondria! ATP
synthesis, which is responsible for creating cellular energy. Scientists
believe CoQ10 functions as an antioxidant that blocks actions that can damage
cells. Coenzyme Q10 [(CoC10) also commonly called ubiquinone] is present in
well-measurable levels in human seminal fluid, where it probably exerts
important metabolic and antioxidant functions; seminal CoQ10 concentrations
show a direct correlation with seminal parameters (count and motility). Active
form of coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinol in the cell membrane may help reduce cell and
DNA damage caused by free radicals, which has been shown to reduce blood
pressure and improve sperm health and in turn embryo quality. As we age, the
ability of the body to produce and metabolize ubiquinone to Ubiquinol declines.
In turn so do energy levels and cellular health. CoQ10 deficiency may lead to
not only damaged DNA within the sperm, but low levels affect the ability of
sperm to swim, known as motility. Ubiquinol supplementation has a twofold
support system for sperm health, one it is protective and second it supports
motility by increasing cellular energy. The higher the blood levels of CoQ10,
the greater the sperm's ability to be strong swimmers. Defective sperm function
in infertile men has been shown to be directly associated with increased free
radical stress. This is where Ubiquinol supplementation may greatly help to
protect sperm health, as well as the health of all the cells that make up the
reproductive organs, and the entire body.
Sperm cells have to travel farther
than any other single human cell—and they need a tremendous amount of energy in
order to make the trek. That's what makes carnitine such a vital nutrient for
men with poor sperm quality. Camitine is a vital transporter molecule whose
function is to carry high-energy fat compounds into mitochondria, where they
are "burned" to release their energy. This helps give sperm the boost
they need if they are going to have a chance at fertilizing an egg. This is
important because weakly-swimming sperm (asthenozoospermia) is one of the most
important reasons for male factor infertility. Supplementation with L-camitine
has proven benefits on sperm quality. It increases sperm count, motility,
straight-swimming ability, as well as total normal sperm forms.
Oxidative stress affects the sperm of
men in two different ways: (I) Oxidative stress damages the cell membrane of
sperm, which could decrease sperm motility and its ability to connect with an
oocyte. (H) Oxidative stress causes damage to the DNA of sperm. This could
increase the chance of passing along damaged DNA from the man. Your body has
many different ways to protect sperm from oxidative stress. According to
clinical research, albumin found in sperm has the potential to block free
radicals, which prevents them from reaching the sperm. Also, sperm DNA is tightly
covered by a protective protein. And this layer can protect the DNA in your
sperm, suggests research, which could prevent damage from occurring to your
sperms DNA. However, infertile men could be deficient in this protein, possibly
leaving the DNA exposed to reactive oxygen species. One powerful antioxidant,
Astaxanthin (a carotenoid extracted from the algae Hematococcus pluvialis), has
been shown in research to reduce free radical damage associated with male
infertility and significantly increase the sperm's motility and speed.
Zinc Sulphate Monohydratejj
Zinc deficiency is associated with
poor sperm quality resulting from increased oxidant stress in seminal plasma,
the liquid portion of semen that is responsible for maintaining sperm cells in
a healthy state. Depletion of zinc also reduces the volume of semen produced.
Studies in both animal models and humans demonstrate significant improvements
in sperm quality following zinc supplementation, especially in cases of known
infertility. Supplementation increases sperm counts, mobility, and fertilizing
capacity, and decreases levels of DNA damage, structural abnormalities in
sperm, and levels of antibodies to sperm that can impair sperm quality. The
benefits of zinc supplementation are especially prominent in smokers, whose
total body oxidant levels are vastly higher than those of nonsmokers. In
addition, smokers accumulate toxic levels of another metal element, cadmium,
which accumulates in testicular tissue and further adds to oxidant stress.
These effects produce substantial losses of sperm quality and fertility in
smokers. Studies show that zinc supplementation reduces the impact of cadmium
toxicity and boosts sperm quality in smokers.
Lycopene is a natural, plant-derived
carotenoid pigment that provides the red color of tomatoes, watermelon, and
other fruits. It has powerful antioxidant characteristics and is involved in a
variety of other cellular activities as well. Low intake of lycopene in the
diet is associated with poor semen quality and male factor infertility.
However, supplementing with lycopene has been shown to reverse some or all of
that damage. Another way lycopene enhances sperm quality is by reducing the
impact of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), the dangerous sugar/protein
structures that form over a lifetime of exposure to blood glucose.
Likely Effective for...
Q-10 deficiency.
Taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth seems to improve symptoms of coenzyme Q-10
deficiency. This is a very rare condition. The symptoms include weakness, fatigue,
and seizures.
or acquired disorders that limit energy production in the cells of the body
(mitochondrial disorders).
Taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth seems to reduce symptoms of mitochondrial
disorders. However, improvement in symptoms is slow. Some people have to take
coenzyme Q-10 for six months to get the most benefit.
Possibly Effective for...
vision loss (age-related macular degeneration). Taking a specific product containing
coenzyme Q-10, acetyl-L-carnitine, and omega-3 fatty acids (Phototrop) by mouth
seems to improve vision in people with age-related vision loss.
heart failure (CHF).
Some research suggests that heart failure might be linked with low coenzyme
Q-10 levels. Although most evidence shows that taking coenzyme Q-10 alone does
not help treat heart failure, there is some evidence that it might be helpful
when taken in combination with other heart failure medications and treatments.
damage caused by diabetes (diabetic neuropathy). Research shows that taking coenzyme
Q-10 improves nerve damage and nerve pain in people with nerve damage caused by
HIV/AIDS. Taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth seems
to improve immune function in people with HIV/AIDS.
inherited neurological disorder called Huntington's disease. Ubiquinol, an altered form of
coenzyme Q-10, has been granted “Orphan Drug Status” by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). This gives the maker of Ubiquinol some financial
incentives to study its effectiveness for Huntington's, a condition that is so
rare (affecting less than 200,000 individuals) that pharmaceutical companies
might not otherwise invest in developing a drug for it. However, taking
coenzyme Q-10 by mouth in doses of 600 mg daily or less does not seem to be
effective for slowing the progression of Huntington's disease.
blood pressure.
The majority of research shows that taking coenzyme Q-10 by itself or along
with other medications for treating high blood pressure seems to help lower
blood pressure. However, one small study suggests that taking coenzyme Q-10 by
mouth may not lower blood pressure in people that also have a condition called
metabolic syndrome.
vessel complications caused by heart bypass surgery. Reduced blood supply during heart or
blood vessel surgery can deprive tissue of oxygen. When blood supply returns to
this tissue, the tissue can become damaged. There is some evidence that taking
coenzyme Q-10 by mouth for a week before heart bypass surgery or blood vessel
surgery might help to reduce tissue damage. However, not all research agrees
with this finding.
specific type of high blood pressure. Taking coenzyme Q-10 daily appears to lower
systolic blood pressure (the top number) in some people with high systolic
blood pressure but normal diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number).
headache. Taking coenzyme
Q-10 by mouth seems to help prevent migraine headaches. Studies show it can
decrease the frequency of headaches by about 30% and the number of days with
headache-related nausea by about 45% in adults. Taking coenzyme Q-10 also
appears to reduce migraine frequency in children who have low levels of
coenzyme Q-10. It can take up to 3 months for significant benefit. However,
coenzyme Q-10 does not seem to be effective in treating migraines once they have
inherited muscle disorder called muscular dystrophy. Taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth seems
to improve physical performance in some people with muscular dystrophy
attack. When started
within 72 hours of a heart attack and taken for one year, coenzyme Q-10 appears
to lower the risk of heart-related events, including another heart attack.
disease. Some research
shows that taking coenzyme Q-10 supplements might slow decline in people with
early Parkinson's disease. However, taking a coenzyme Q-10 does not seem to
improve symptoms in people with mid-stage Parkinson's disease.
disease (painful erection in men). Research shows that taking coenzyme Q-10
improves erectile function in men with painful erections.
Possibly Ineffective for...
disease. Taking coenzyme
Q-10 does not seem to improve mental function in people with Alzheimer's
disease called ALS or Lou Gehrid's disease. Research shows that taking coenzyme Q-10
does not slow the progression of ALS.
Cocaine dependence. Taking a combination of coenzyme
Q-10 and L-carnitine does not reduce cocaine use.
Some research shows that taking coyenzme Q-10 does not reduce total
cholesterol, triglycerides, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”)
cholesterol, or increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL or “good”) cholesterol.
Other research shows that taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth alone or together with
carnitine does not improve cholesterol levels. However, one study in people who
can not take statin drugs shows that taking a combination of coenzyme Q-10,
berberine, policosanol, red yeast rice, folic acid, and astaxanthin
reduces cholesterol levels.
affecting polio survivors (post-polio syndrome). Research shows that taking coenzyme
Q-10 does not improve muscle strength or muscle function in people with
post-polio syndrome.
Likely Ineffective for...
Taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth does not improve althetic performance in athletes
or non-athletes.
Insufficient Evidence to Rate Effectiveness
pain (angina).
Some early research suggests that taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth might improve
exercise tolerance in patients with angina.
Asthma. Some early research suggests that
taking a combination of coenzyme Q-10, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), and
vitamin C in addition to conventional asthma treatment reduces the dosage of
drugs needed by people with mild-to-moderate asthma.
cancer. Some research
in Chinese women suggests that having low blood levels of coenzyme Q-10 is
linked to an increased risk of breat cancer. There is preliminary evidence that
taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth might be helpful in advanced breast cancer when
used along with surgery and conventional treatment plus other antioxidants and
omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Cancer. Research suggests that low coenzyme
Q-10 levels are associated with an increased risk of skin cancer. Also, early
research suggests that taking coenzyme Q-10 along with other antioxidants
increases survival time by 40% in patients with terminal cancer.
toxicity caused by chemotherapy drugs. Some research suggests that taking coenzyme
Q-10 by mouth may protect the heart in children and adults receiving the
chemotherapy drug anthracycline. However, other research suggests that
administering coenzyme Q-10 intravenously (by IV) does not provide this
disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Early research suggests that taking
coenzyme Q-10 improves lung function and exercise tolerance in people with
vomiting syndrome.
Some early research suggests that taking coenzyme Q-10 might work as well as
prescription medications used to treat cyclic vomiting syndrome.
Diabetes. Research about the effectiveness of
coenzyme Q-10 for diabetes is conflicting. Some research shows that taking
coenzyme Q-10 might lower blood sugar levels. However, other research has found
no benefit.
and enlarged heart (dilated cardiomyopathy). Early evidence suggests that taking coenzyme
Q-10 improves heart function in children with dilated cardiomyopathy.
mouth. Early research
suggests that taking coenzyme Q-10 (ubiquinol) improves dry mouth.
surgery. Research
suggests that administering an eye solution containing coenzyme Q-10 and
vitamin E increases the speed of nerve regeneration after cataract eye surgery
Fibromyalgia. Some early research suggests that
taking coenzyme Q-10 along with ginkgo might increase feelings of wellness and
overall health, as well as reduce pain in people with fibromyalgia.
movement due to brain damage (cerebellar ataxia). Early research suggests that
coenzyme Q-10 improves muscle coordination and movement in people with
cerebellar ataxia.
inherited disease that causes nerve damage (Friedreich's ataxia). Early research suggests that taking
vitamin E together with coenzyme Q-10 improves coordination, posture, and
movement in people with Friedreich's ataxia.
loss. Research
suggests that taking a specific coenzyme Q-10 product (Q-TER) by mouth improves
hearing in people with age-related hearing loss. However, combining coenzyme
Q-10 with conventional steroid treatments does not improve hearing more than
steroid treatment alone.
C. Research shows
that taking coenzyme Q-10 does not improve liver function in people with
hepatitis C who are not responding to conventional treatment.
heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth seems
to decrease the thickness of the heart wall and decrease symptoms of shortness
of breath and fatigue in people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
genetic disorder called Prader-Willi syndrome. Early research suggests that administering
coenzyme Q-10 improves development in children with Prader-Labhart-Willi
syndrome. However, it is not clear if these improvements are due to the
coenzyme Q-10 or an age-related phenomenon.
There is some early evidence that coenzyme Q-10 treatment can improve the
movement and density of sperm in men with certain types of infertility.
However, other research shows that it does not have a beneficial effect on
sperm movement.
diabetes and deafness.
There is some early evidence that taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth might prevent
the progression of a rare form of diabetes that is maternally inherited.
disease. Applying
coenzyme Q-10 to the gums is not effective for treating gum disease. However,
there is some early evidence that taking coenzyme Q-10 by mouth might be
helpful in treating gum disease.
blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia). Pre-eclampsia is a condition that
some women develop during pregnancy. Some research shows that women who are at
risk have a lower chance of developing the condition if they take coenzyme Q-10
from week 20 of pregnancy until the baby is delivered
cancer. Research shows
that taking a combination of vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C, and coenzyme Q-10
does not improve prostate cancer.
failure. Some early
research suggests that taking coenzyme Q-10 improves kidney function in people
with end-stage kidney disease. However, other research shows that taking
coenzyme Q-10 does not improve kidney function.
muscle condition called “statin-induced myopathy.” Statins, a class of drugs used
to lower cholesterol, can sometimes cause muscle pain. There is some evidence
that taking coenzyme Q-10 might reduce this pain. However, not all evidence has
been positive.
loss related to use of the warfarin. There is some early evidence that taking
coenzyme Q-10 might be helpful for preventing hair loss caused by the
blood-thinning drug, warfarin.
skin. Early evidence
suggests that applying a coenzyme Q-10 cream to the skin improves wrinkled
More evidence is
needed to rate coenzyme Q-10 for these uses.
Natural Medicines
Comprehensive Database rates effectiveness based on scientific evidence
according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly
Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence
to Rate (detailed
description of each of the ratings).
Coenzyme Q-10
is LIKELY SAFE for most adults when taken by mouth or when
applied directly to the gums. While most people tolerate coenzyme Q-10 well, it
can cause some mild side effects including stomach upset, loss of appetite,
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can cause allergic skin rashes in some
people. It also might lower blood pressure, so check your blood pressure carefully
if you have very low blood pressure. Dividing the total daily dose by taking
smaller amounts two or three times a day instead of a large amount all at once
can help reduce side effects.
Coenzyme Q-10
is POSSIBLY SAFE for children when taken by mouth. However,
coenzyme Q-10 should not be used in children without medical supervision.