Thursday, February 11, 2021

Kidney Stones - Live healthy with Ayurveda


Kidney Stones

Live healthy with Ayurveda

You probably never knew of the effect a 2mm object could have on you until you experienced the phenomenon called kidney stone. Kidney stones, if you’re among the average person who has experienced the excruciating pain brought about by the simple looking kidney stone.

In case you haven’t encountered the ‘stone’ yet or met with it just once - you still need to know some more about the ‘stone.’ Why?  Because this rather painful little deposit can cause enough uproar in your system and can recur - if you don’t respect it enough. A few simple guidelines on the dos and don’ts, and you’re golden.

Kidney stones are little deposits formed in the ureter and bladder. These deposits obstruct

the flow of bodily toxins, which would otherwise pass naturally through urine.

According to Ayurveda, an imbalance of vata leads to the drying of kapha.  This, in turn, leads to kidney stones.


Kidney Stones are formed due to crystallization of minerals and waste materials found in urine. A kidney stone may be the size of a pinhead and may pass unnoticed through urine; or it can be large, up to the size of a grapefruit, and may obstruct the urinary pathway, causing acute pain and bleeding, as well as blocking the flow of urine. In Ayurveda, it is known as VrukkaAshmari (vrukka means kidney and ashmari means stone). In Ayurveda, each case of Kidney stone treatment is different because medicines are personalized for every patient for maximum efficacy.



Presenting the fact and the mind

Fact of the matter

But the mind says

Less water intake

Remember, you meant to have at least 4 liters a day?


That happens every day/when I’m in a hurry/upset

Avoiding/postponing urinal urges

Hmm, I’m too bored to get up from my movie/reading/chatting

Staying up late nights

People don’t seem to understand the inspiration that strikes at midnight

Aerated drinks

I’ve promised to give up next year

Excess dairy products

Not always

Eating food which led to gas/bloating

Not always

Irregular daily regimes which led to acidity

Same as above

Sedentary lifestyle

I do know sitting is the new smoking

Untimely eating

Can I help it if my work just got over?

Use of preservative food 

Isn’t it easier?

Uses of sauces, vinegar

Only sometimes? Or did I forget I added some just yesterday? And the day before?

Alcohol consumption

It’s all his fault

Excess non-vegetarian food

It’s the cat’s fault


It’s the boss’ fault

Urinary tract infection



What happens when the kidney stone strikes?

·         PAIN. It’s just an excruciating pain in the area of the kidney, spreading towards the spine and all over

·         Nausea

·         Heaviness in breathing

·         Restlessness

·         Feeling bloated

·         Frequent sensation of urination

·         Difficulty in urination/pain urination

·         Fever and chills


Why you should choose Ayurveda?

What special Ayurveda does in kidney stones treatment?

Works on the root-cause!

Unlike other treatment procedures that jump straight to symptom management, Ayurveda plans to address the root-cause of the disease. It begins by detoxifying the body so that medicines can work better towards treating the actual root-cause of the disease.

More than just medicines

Other than medicines, the diet and lifestyle play a very important role in complementing the effect of medicines as well as sustaining the benefit of treatment after the medicines have ended. So, Ayurveda equally focuses on your diet & lifestyle.

Reduces future health risks

Since Ayurveda focuses on the root-cause of the disease, it effectively reduces the risk of severe health complications arising out of the untreated underlying cause. Patients who complete their Ayurveda treatment have a reduced risk of health complications later.

Alisier Drugs Pvt. Ltd. Is having a complete Ayurvedic Range in the name of Alisveda and in this RIPKAL is the product which can help you out to cure this problem. We have Capsules & Syrup.

In this regard you can take more information :

Contact : 7206609999

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